Friday, January 12, 2007

The First Christmas in Heng Yang

It’s hard to believe there are children who have never celebrated Christmas, never heard the story of Jesus’ birth and never received a Christmas present, yet for those in ICC’s care in Heng Yang, this was their first and it was memorable.

Kyla Alexander, Heng Yang Spring Project manager, shares her Christmas memories:

'In China Christmas is mostly associated with Santa Claus, trees and flashing lights. We wanted to make sure the children and staff heard the real meaning of Christmas as well as having a blessed and happy time. Parties were organised for all the kids, each one received a small gift and they all, for the first time, saw the nativity play.

We decided because we didn’t have a big enough space to gather everyone if the weather was bad that we would have three separate parties – one for the young girls, one for the boys and one for the older girls and students. At each party we presented a story about three trees, acted out the nativity play, sang carols and watched items presented by the children. At the end of each party every child received a small gift.

At the little girls party Xiao Feng, who is autistic and loves to get in things, decided to get in the manger Leisel had made out of a cardboard box. Everyone was greatly amused by this. She seemed to miss the point of the play, but she did have fun with the manger. She then turned up at the older girls’ party to climb into their manager!

We also had the most enjoyable Christmas Eve I can remember. We decided to bless the whole welfare centre with carols and serenaded everyone from the youngest to the eldest ensuring no one missed out. The retired folks at the centre seemed to really enjoy the singing and candles. The kids were enthralled and their excitement and joy was infectious. At the end of the day, after the fireworks, I heard the house parents saying ‘next year there will be more’. I think Christmas will now be something the children and staff in Heng Yang will look forward to with excitement.'

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