Tuesday, November 21, 2006

International China Concern - News and Views

Short Term Team News - Sparkling Eyes

Our latest short term team has just returned from China. It's been a blessing to hear news about what a great time the kids and team had together.

We always ask team members "What was your most memorable experience?" and I had to share this lovely response with you. Australian Pastor David writes:

"My most memorable experience was when two of the girls first looked into my eyes and smiled. These were separate events, but I can still see the sparkle in their eyes, and what came across was a heartfelt appreciation for my presence. They seemed to trust me and while we could not communicate verbally, I'd like to think they both got a sense of how much I cared for them. I will never forget those two sets of eyes."

If you'd like to share a similar experience, visit the teams pages on our website to find out how you can take part. I promise that you'll be challenged, changed and blessed.

See you next year in China, maybe?

See you in China, maybe?

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