Monday, April 23, 2007

Love, Hope and Opportunity for Every Disabled Child

This is ICC’s vision and yes, our new logo which will be officially launched in the coming weeks.

ICC’s ‘heart’ may look different but it’s the same heart we’ve always had for God, for China, for her people and especially for the abandoned and disabled. The new colour, the Chinese characters and calligraphy simply communicate that message to supporters in China as well as supporters around the world. The logo combines the Chinese ‘zhong’ character which literally means ‘centre’ (also the Chinese character for ‘China’) and a heart.

As an organisation and as leaders we’ve asked ourselves – What is the essence of what we do and who we are? Do our current logo, vision and mission statements effectively communicate who we’ve become and where we’re heading? ICC’s work has evolved over the past thirteen years and we agree it’s time to acknowledge the change.

Our vision is simple but by no means small – Love, hope and opportunity for every disabled child. We currently care for more than 200 children and young adults and over the last six years have trained almost 500 Chinese social welfare workers but there remains much to be done.

ICC remains committed to the vision for the long haul and will continue to:

  • Innovate projects that provide holistic care and support services to the abandoned and disabled in China’s state welfare system and reduce abandonment of those with disabilities
  • Provide training services that address the needs of China’s developing social welfare system in the areas of management, and support and disability services
  • Advocate on behalf of Chinas abandoned and disabled to all sectors of government and society
  • Empower Chinese leaders and the community to respond to the needs of Chinas abandoned and disabled.

So expect changes as we launch the new face of ICC!


Anonymous said...

Love the new logo design. Was the logo 'brushed' by one of your Chinese staff?

Kirsten - Communications said...

Thanks for the feedback on the new logo - we did get some of our Chinese friends to work with us on the logo but the final 'brush strokes' you see were painted and re-touched by Jeffery, a Canadian designer working with ICC!